Normally, requests should be for an assignment of no more than one year. Exceptions can be made if the objective of the TA requires an extended period of support. In this case, the TA assignment may be split into a series of shorter assignments or will need to have clear “go/no go” decision points so that it can be effectively managed. Requests of this nature will require strong justification.
A full list of eligible applicants can be found here. ' An example of a project would be a government ministry applying for TA for a feasibility study of a digital e-library for teaching and learning materials for technical and vocational education and training institutions in Lesotho'. Another example would be a financial institution applying to RISE with the aim of obtaining support [TA] to design financial products and awareness raising tools convincing their clients to invest in energy efficient projects by giving them access to the right tools and information.
If you are unsure about your request being eligible, kindly contact us. In your query, share a synopsis of what you want to do, where you want to do it and what you intend to achieve, we can give feedback as to the suitability for support from us.
If what you want to do is not eligible for support from the Africa RISE facility, there may be other programmes that can help. There are other programmes funded by the European Union or other development organisations that may be able to support you.
Yes, you may submit more than one request for TA. Each request will be evaluated on its own merits (which may include potential synergy with other requests).
There is no set limit for the duration of projects that Africa RISE may support but the programme closes in December 2024 and all assignments need to be completed within this timeframe.
There is no set limit for the duration of projects that Africa RISE may support but the programme closes in December 2024 and all assignments need to be completed within this timeframe.
If your request has been rejected, you may still be able to revise it and submit it again for consideration. The Africa RISE team will give the reason(s) for rejection.
Yes, this is possible, however one of the beneficiaries should be nominated as lead applicant.
All applications need to meet three eligibility criteria:
- Project implementation in one of the 25 countries covered by RISE;
- Application falls within one of the RISE focus areas;
- Type of support that is requested – RISE can only provide TA and no direct financial support or equipment.
If the application passes the eligibility check, it is then assessed according to the following technical criteria:
- Relevance and impact – how well does the request align with the priorities of the EU and the country/ies to which it relates? How will it contribute towards the achievement of the target outcomes and impacts of the Africa RISE facility?
- Feasibility – Are the targeted results realistic? Is the timescale achievable? Are key stakeholders engaged and supportive?
- Value for money – are the planned results good value for the time and cost required to achieve them?
- Inclusiveness – does the request take account of the potential impact on women, young people, people with disabilities?
If the application is approved, Terms of Reference for the technical assistance will be drafted by RISE involving the applicant. Consultants will be identified and selected to start implementation. The ToR defines the services to be implemented including the number of inputs and any incidental costs to be covered, the scope of the project with expected outcomes, the reporting and monitoring requirements.
At present, we are not setting any limits on submission of requests. The Africa RISE facility will operate until the end of 2024 so there is plenty of time. As we approach the end of the programme, we will advise the deadlines for submission.

Adam Smith Europe (ASE), part of the Adam Smith International group of companies, a world leader in business enabling environment and investment climate reform services. ASE brings expertise in the market systems development approach used by bilateral donors such as FCDO (ex-DFID) and SDC.

Imani Development, a specialised provider of trade and private sector development services in Eastern and Southern Africa, with several offices in the region.

International Economics Consulting, a specialised provider of trade advisory and economic development services in the Indian Ocean region and across Eastern and Southern Africa, as well as Asia and the Pacific.

Landell Mills is one of the world’s leading international development consulting firms. We have been in business for 40 years and are active in all continents. Our mission is to assist our clients to participate actively in the global economy whilst protecting their fragile environments and vulnerable communities in the process. We work with private and public sector clients on assignments lasting from a few days to several years. Our work is usually financed by international development agencies.