Water Service Providers Association Kenya
Africa's cities are growing at an unprecedented rate. In Kenya alone, the urban population is expected to more than triple from 12 million now to 40 million by 2050. This rapid urbanisation has huge implications for water use and management in the country.
Current access to water in Kenya is low; it is estimated that the 98 registered water utilities serve only about 55% of the population. Barely half of Kenya’s urban population has access to water. Less than a third has access to improved sanitation, and only 40 per cent of Nairobi is connected to a sewerage system. The water utilities face several operational challenges, but two in particular. First, the Water Service Providers’ (WSPs) are subject to multiple taxes, which has an adverse effect on their ability to deliver services to the public at a reasonable price. Second (and related) is the inability of the WSPs to attain financial sustainability so as to be able to invest in service and efficiency improvement. Pricing alone cannot lead to full cost recovery; other factors, principally building operational efficiencies, and improved governance are seen as critical enablers of attaining financial sustainability.
In this context, Africa RISE is undertaking an assignment to support the Water Service Providers Association (WASPA). This work will help WASPA to position itself strategically in its current environment, and to maximize its potential and address its shortcomings. They will also further the Association’s mandate of providing a platform for members to advocate for issues pertaining to their development and sustainability.
Central to the assignment is the development of position papers on two topics:
1. Harmonization of levies from within and outside the sector
2. Preferential Electricity Tariff for WSPs including clear recommendations to Ministry of Energy and EPRA
The assignment also included presenting the position papers to the policy makers for discussion and representing WASPA during negotiations of the preferential electricity tariff for WSPs.
The project team has been gathering information from WASPA members and other stakeholders and is collating data to generate benchmarks for performance. The position papers and benchmark data will form the basis for a twin-track approach of efficiency improvement and advocacy for easing of the operating environment for the water service providers. If successful, this should allow for greater investment by the WSPs so that they are better able to maintain and improve the provision of water and sanitation to the People of Kenya.